Environmental Protection Policy

ISHII Corporation contributes to the global environment through its corporate activities, aiming for a rich recycling-oriented society in harmony with the environment.

  • We will identify the environmental impact of our business activities, products and services, set environmental objectives and targets, and strive for continuous improvement through periodic reviews.
  • We will comply with applicable laws and regulations and strive to prevent pollution.
  • We are committed to environmental preservation and strive to reduce environmental burdens such as recycling considerations, waste reduction, and noise.
  • We will promote energy and resource conservation and strive to use resources effectively.
  • We will strive to prioritize the purchase of environmentally friendly materials and the development of green products.
  • We will strive to raise environmental awareness by providing environmental education to our employees.
  • We disclose our environmental policy to the public.

CONTACT Contact Us

  • Osaka Head Office


  • Tokyo Division


  • Osaka Factory


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