One Stop Service

We take a variety of issues together and answer them in a smart way.


What you can do now = what you can try now.

ISHII's goal is customer satisfaction.
To achieve this, we will do our utmost to do what we can do now. What we can do now includes what we can challenge now. Through the accumulation of these efforts, ISHII has further expanded the realm of what it can do.

There is no satisfaction if it cannot be met.

On top of that, ISHII pursued the quality of "what can be done.
They set themselves the challenge of not just being able to do it, but to be the best in the industry in each of these areas.
Only when we reach that point can we satisfy the needs of our customers and literally create "satisfaction".

One-stop. However, carefully one by one.

What ISHII is doing to raise the quality of each piece to the highest level is not difficult at all. We simply complete each one carefully. We are proud of our ability to provide effective cross-media sales promotions that are deployed in multiple media, and to be a one-stop shop for all of them. However, that "One" is also based on our great commitment to each and every job.

ISHII One-Stop Service




  • プロデュース
  • 企画
  • デザイン
  • 各種ノベルティグッズ
  • キャラクター・映画タイアップ
  • 販促企画
  • コピー編集
  • イラスト


  • Graphic Imaga
  • 写真加工
  • 撮影・動画
  • 3DCG


  • システム開発
  • 管理サーバー
  • WEB制作
  • ARアプリ
  • タブレットアプリ
  • デジタルサイネージ
  • ドキュメントシステム
  • デジタルカタログ
  • 自動組版
  • WEB to Print

印 刷

  • 印刷・加工
  • オンデマンド印刷
  • DM発送 ポスティング

Each section cooperates with each other to provide a wide range of one-stop services for each customer solution.
We provide a wide range of one-stop services for each customer's solution.

CONTACT Contact Us

  • Osaka Head Office


  • Tokyo Division


  • Osaka Factory


Contact Us by E-MAIL