Approach to Personal Information Protection
ISHII Inc. has been certified by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) to receive the Privacy Mark, which is granted to businesses that handle personal information in an appropriate manner. Based on the following policy, we will handle and manage personal information appropriately.
Approach to Personal Information Protection
- 1.Basic policy
ISHII Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), as a printing-related business operator, recognizes the importance of all personal information it handles and is committed to protecting it.
We will establish, implement, maintain, and improve our personal information protection management system, including policy, system, planning, implementation, inspection, and review, in order to protect the rights and interests of individuals while taking into consideration the usefulness of personal information. - 2.Handling of Personal Information
We will acquire, use and provide personal information appropriately considering the nature and scale of our business.
When acquiring personal information, the purpose of use shall be specified to the greatest extent possible and shall be limited to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. In addition, personal information will be acquired in a lawful and fair manner with the consent of the individual to whom the personal information pertains. -
About Use
Personal information will be used only within the scope of the purpose of use previously determined. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use (use for purposes other than the intended purpose). Appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that the information is not used for any other purpose. -
About the offer
Personal information obtained will not be provided without the consent of the individual to whom the personal information pertains, except as required by law.
- 3.Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with the following laws, national guidelines, and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
- JIS Q 15001
- Act on the Protection of Personal Information
- Guidelines for the Law Concerning the Protection of Personal Information in the Economic and Industrial Sector
- Local ordinances in the area where we have our offices
- Other guidelines, etc.
- 4.Security measures for personal information
We will implement the following measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to correct the situation.
Safety management measures for the organization
We will clearly define the responsibilities and authority of those engaged in our company's operations with regard to safety management, develop and implement rules and procedures for safety management, and confirm the status of implementation. -
Human security management measures
We conclude non-disclosure agreements regarding personal information and provide education and training to those who are engaged in our business. -
Physical security management measures
Control access to the building (rooms), prevent theft of personal information, and implement other measures. -
Technical security management measures
We will implement security measures for personal information, including access control to personal information and information systems that handle personal information, countermeasures against unauthorized software, and monitoring of information systems.
Safety management measures for the organization
- 5.Complaints and Consultation
- We have a system in place to receive complaints and consultations from the person to whom personal information pertains, and when we receive such complaints and consultations, we will respond to them appropriately and promptly.
- 6.Continuous Improvement
- We will continuously improve our personal information protection management system to protect personal information.
- 7.Policy Disclosure and Public Disclosure
- This policy will be made available to the general public by posting it on our website(, and our directors and employees will be informed of it to ensure that our personal information protection management system is implemented.
Enactment date June 18, 2005
Last Revision Date July 15, 2008
President and Representative Director Kazutaka Ishii
Handling of Personal Information
- 1.Personal information handled by the Company and the purposes of its use
ISHII Inc. has been certified by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) to receive the Privacy Mark, which is granted to businesses that handle personal information in an appropriate manner. Based on the following policy, we will handle and manage personal information appropriately.
Type of Personal Information Purpose of Use Personal information entrusted to us by the company to which we are entrusted in connection with the work we accept. Acceptance and execution of business processing related to personal information, such as inputting, editing, printing, etc., DM printing, business card printing, directory printing, employee ID card printing, etc. Personal information of visitors, observers, etc. to our company Response to visits and tours, and contact in case of emergencies Personal information of purchasers of our products - Shipping Goods
- Contact us in the event of an emergency regarding a product we have sol
- Provision of services (after-sales and warranty services) requested by the Company
- Provision of information from the Company (e.g., new product announcements, information on the Company's services, campaigns, seminars, etc., and responses to various inquiries, comments, etc., made by the Company)
Personal information of applicants for employment or those introduced to us by recruitment agencies, etc. Screening for employment, contacting the applicant for employment, etc., and informing the applicant of employment openings, etc. Personal information of retired employees Contact for compliance with labor-related laws and regulations and other emergencies Personal information of employees, etc. Hiring and personnel management of employees, labor management, etc. Personal information related to various requests for disclosure, etc. based on the Personal Information Protection Law Response to each such request ※All items may be used in the form of non-personally identifiable statistical information.
- 2.Voluntary nature of personal information provision and scope of services provided
- Based on your decision, you will be asked to provide us with your personal information through the user registration screen. If you do not provide us with the personal information required to perform any of the services on this site, you will not be able to use those services.
- 3.Information on Disclosure of Personal Information
We accept requests from you or your agent for disclosure, etc. (disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, and request for notification of purpose of use) of personal information held by us, as well as requests for disclosure of records of provision to third parties.
The information subject to disclosure is the following personal information contained in our retained personal data (computerized electronic information and information recorded on paper media and filed in such a way that it can be easily retrieved) about the person in question.Type of Personal Information Personal Data Subject to Request for Disclosure Personal information entrusted to us by the company to which we are entrusted in connection with the work we accept. It is not subject to disclosure because it is not managed as personal data. Personal information of visitors, observers, etc. to our company This information is not subject to disclosure because it is entrusted information. Personal information of purchasers of our products Personal data registered in the purchaser database Personal information of applicants for employment or those introduced to us by recruitment agencies, etc. Personal data registered in the applicant database Personal information of employees, etc. Personal data registered in the employee database Personal information of retired employees Personal data registered in the retiree database Personal information related to various requests for disclosure, etc. based on the Personal Information Protection Law It is not subject to disclosure because it is not managed as personal data. Requests must be submitted by mail along with the prescribed documents and identification documents.
If you wish to request disclosure of your personal information, please download the "Personal Information Disclosure Request Form" from the link below. Please send a request for disclosure of personal information to the Personal Information Protection Manager listed below.「Personal Information Disclosure Request Form」
Please note that we will not refund the postage fee even if there is no such personal information as a result of the investigation, or if we are unable to identify the personal information based solely on the information provided in writing.
We request that you allow 2 business days from the date of receipt of your written submission for our internal investigation. If it takes more than 2 weeks, we will contact you to let you know. - 4.Joint Use of Personal Data
We jointly use personal data in accordance with Article 23, Paragraph 4, Item 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information as follows
(1)Items of Personal Data to be Shared
The following personal information provided by the customer in relation to inquiries, etc., for which complaints, consultations, etc., have been submitted to our customer service center, such as application forms and other written documents, by the entire ISHII Group.
- Name, age, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address and occupation
- Personal information other than a. provided by customers for the purpose of providing services, etc., from joint users
- Transaction information and related information concerning all transactions (including past transactions) with joint users
(2)Scope of joint users
IPNet System Co. - (3)Purpose of use by joint users
We handle personal information entrusted to us in order to provide printing services such as printing of flyers, catalogs, pamphlets, posters, slips, company brochures, etc., and address printing and shipping as a business. -
(4)Name of person responsible for personal data management
The person responsible for the management of personal data is the Personal Data Protection Manager of ISHII Inc.
(1)Items of Personal Data to be Shared
- 5.Complaint Consultation
Inquiries regarding personal information, or complaints and consultations are accepted by e-mail. Please contact us at the e-mail address below.
To the person in charge of the Personal Information Complaints Consultation Desk
2-10-25 Kawaraya-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka
ISHII Corporation
Personal Information Protection Manager
CONTACT Contact Us
Osaka Head Office
Tokyo Division
Osaka Factory